Presentations & Publications
As a leader in the field, Dr. Hartman has given invited presentations and grand rounds at the local, state and national level on the following topics:
Pediatric Eating Disorders​​
​Early Interventions for Eating Disorders in Pediatrics​
Eating Disorders Beyond Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa
Top 10 Pediatric Eating Disorder Prevention/Treatment Tips
Gender affirming care
POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)
Sexually transmitted infections
Parenting teen tips
Transitioning pediatric patients to adult medicine
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Dysmenorrhea and endometriosis
Teen dating violence
Lau JS, Uong SP, Hartman L, Eaton A, Schmittdiel J. Incidence and Medical Hospitalization Rates of Patients With Pediatric Eating Disorders. Perm J. 2022 Dec 19;26(4):56-61.
Lau JS, Kline-Simon A, Sterling S, Hojilla JC, Hartman L. Screening for Gender Identity in Adolescent Well Visits: Is It Feasible and Acceptable? J Adolesc Health. 2021 Jun;68(6):1089-1095.
Parthasarathy S, Kline-Simon AH, Jones A, Hartman L, Saba K, Weisner C, Sterling S. Three-Year Outcomes After Brief Treatment of Substance Use and Mood Symptoms. Pediatrics. 2021 Jan;147(1).
Sterling S, Kline-Simon AH, Jones A, Hartman L, Saba K, Weisner C, Parthasarathy S. Health Care Use Over 3 Years After Adolescent SBIRT. Pediatrics. 2019 May;143(5).
Jones, Ashley, Kline-Simonm, Andrea, Satre, D, Weisner, C, Hartman, L, Parthasarathy, S, Ross, T, Sterling, S. Helping Adolescents Connect to Specialty Addiction and Mental Health Treatment. Counselor Magazine. 2018; 19: 38-43.
Hartman LB, Shafer MA, Pollack LM, Wibbelsman C, Chang F, Tebb KT. Parental Acceptability of Contraceptive Methods Offered to their Teen During a Confidential Health Care Visit. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2012 Feb;52(2):251-4.​
Hartman LB, Monasterio E, Hwang L. Adolescent Contraception: Review and Guidance for Pediatric Clinicians. Curr Probl Peditr Adolesc Health Care. 2012 Oct; 42(9): 221-63.
Hartman LB, Buckelew S. Adolescent Medicine: Self Assessment and Board Review. Rudolph’s Pediatrics, Mc-Graw-Hill.